I never understood how much a person could love a dog until my Golden Retriever Aspen came into my life five years ago. My parents gave her to me as a college graduation gift when she was just a tiny pup, and now she’s a big bundle of joy (72 Ibs. of it in case you were wondering, but she thinks she’s a lap dog lol). This past weekend, February 17th to be exact, we threw her the cutest puppy party for her 5th birthday. It was so precious watching the girls sit at the dining room table with the full bday setup—balloons, a basket full of toys + treats, and a heart shaped dog cake—as we sung happy birthday to Aspen girl. Our other sweetie’s name is Betty the Black Labrador Retriever (Bam Ba Lam). She is M’s girl and the sweetest dog you’d ever meet. Last year, we started this tradition with Three Dog Bakery Dallas for the girls’ birthdays and they absolutely love it! Side Note: this bakery for dogs is the best. We get all kinds of dog treats, toys, accessories, etc. here. Annnd, Three Dog Bakery works with several animal related nonprofits in the local community. For example, when you purchase a heart shaped dog cake in the month of February, part of the proceeds go to one of the charitable organizations the bakery is partnered with, and you get to choose which one. How cool is that! After the celebration was over, Aspen sat staring at the leftover dog cake on the counter top, tail wagging + mouth watering, waiting for more. It makes me so happy to see our girls so happy! What is life without a dog? See the full photo gallery from Aspen’s birthday party + five fun facts about our girl below.
Five Facts About Aspen:
- Aspen’s favorite pastimes are playing fetch and swimming. Put the two together and she’s the happiest dog alive.
- She lives for stovetop popcorn! Anytime she hears it popping (which is often because I also live for popcorn), she gets so excited. She also loves breakfast…me too sista!
- Aspen knows how to sit, shake, lay, stay, fetch, give, dance, open doors, and best of all, cuddle your worries away (yes, I love when she comes in snuggles up with me in the mornings).
- She absolutely adores her toys. She has an entire collection of them in a basket underneath the stairs that she loves to spread around the house + greet you with in her mouth at the door. We’ve even started taking a couple of toys with us everywhere she goes to calm her down. She has so much energy, so we just stick one in her mouth like a baby pacifier and she’s good-to-go! It is part of her retriever nature.
- Aspen loves socializing! She goes with us out to eat, to the mall, on errands. Yes, when the weather is good, I love taking her anywhere in town that allows dogs (Lowe’s, Nordstrom, Home Goods, etc). She also has her fave local canine hangouts including Mutt’s Cantina, Katy Trail (more like the Katy Trail Ice House while momma drinks a skinny marg lol), Three Dog Bakery, White Rock Lake (there’s even a dog park there), DogFit Dallas pack walks, Ruffit daycare. She has even traveled to Waco, Austin, Galveston (Jamaica Beach), The Broadmoor, Steamboat Springs, CO, duck hunting in Louisiana, and more. She’s a well-traveled dog lol.
- The sixth fact is for kicks: We used to have a problem with Aspen swallowing M’s socks + my underwear whole. They always came out one end or the other and it scared me so bad every time. We finally learned to pick up after ourselves lol. Aspen also had a weird habit of carrying around rocks from outside for a while. And she has food allergies just like her momma.
Happy birthday, baby girl! You light up our life and we love you so much!
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